Cloud servers

A fully fledged Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) platform based on open solutions that guarantees no vendor lock-in and full interoperability across platforms. Simiply put enterprise grade cloud servers.

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Available packages

We offer cloud access with no minimum usage. However we do offer significant discounts upon committment to a minimum usage agreement.

Compute resources

We offer a variety of compute flavours. Names starting with C is CPU optimized with 2GB RAM per 1CPU. M is general purpose with 4GB RAM per 1CPU and R is RAM optimized with 8GB RAM per 1CPU. The second digit indicates harware generation. Gen 3 is good for testing and very low volume servers, gen 4 is good for general purpouse and gen 5 is good for high performance applications.
Estimates in above table is rounded to two decimal places. Monthly period estimates is based on 730 hours average monthly length.


Both object storage and volume storage is available. Volume storage is used for harddrive space and is available in an general purpouse version optimised for archival usage, and a high performance SSD only version. Object storage is an alternative data storage scheme that allows for handling data as objects rather than files or blocks. It is perfect for use in web applications.

Network traffic

Network usage is charged on a simple scheme where we charge a low price for internal traffic in addition to a slightly higher charge for traffic traversing the Internet.

Other services

We offer a range of additional services that incurs additional charges.

Create your own virtual data center

  • Pay-as-you-go usage based billing
  • Highly redundant
  • 24/7 monitored by operations team
  • Easy to use web user interface
  • Powerful APIs for full automation
  • Multiple CPU and storage options
  • ISO certified locations across Oslo
Create new servers in seconds while choosing from a wide range of hardware profiles and sizes to fit your needs. Get full control of your servers through powerful APIs and a feature rich control panel, also full console access.
Virtual networking
Design your own network with virtual networks, routers and firewalls. Easy and intuitive overview through control panel.
Volume storage and snapshots
Support for highly redundant SSD and standard storage. Volumes can easily be attached to servers as boot devices or storage devices. Data redundancy is attained through three full copies of data distributed across multiple storage nodes. Support for volume snapshots.
Object storage
Easy to use cost efficient object storage with HTTP and HTTPS support for modern application development. Perfect for storage of static content and archiving.

Frequently asked questions

Our cloud services are operated from several high-end data centers in Oslo. When choosing locations for cloud availability zones we focus strictly on quality and connectivity.
Contact us to let us help you set up an agreement. Standard terms is a 36 months commitment period.
Yes, indeed! If your needs exceeds our standard discounts, we will be happy to provide a custom quote fitted to your particular needs. Please feel free to contact us for a custom quote.
Yes, we work closely with our customers during the planning and onboarding stages, and are happy to provide consultancy and assistance with planning and execution of onboarding to our cloud platform. Please contact us for an informal meeting with one of our technical managers either in person or through video conferencing.
Yes, we can provide hybrid solutions allowing for physical hardware to be accessible in the virtual networks created in our cloud platform. We can provide hybrid solutions within our own data centers and to remote customer locations. Hybrid solutions is also excellent for migration and gradual onboarding to cloud. Please contact us to discuss options.
We are happy to provide you with email and phone based assistance to help you in everyday use. Extended on-call support agreements is also offered for 24/7 emergency assistance as a separate agreement. We will happily take a meeting with your company to go through the options available.
We do on-premise meetings with technical staff to do anything from general introductions to assist with deployments and everyday use to answer any questions you may have.
We provide access to native Openstack APIs which makes it possible to use code written for our cloud platform with other 3rd party Openstack based platforms. This also unlocks the power of the vast amount of existing 3rd party code and solutions designed for use with Openstack.

Hybrid cloud

Our Openstack cloud solution fits perfectly with colocation. We offer hybrid cloud with redundant high capacity links between cloud and your equipment, allowing for cloud servers and physical hardware in the same logical network.
  • Capacity ranging from 1Gbit to 40Gbit redundant
  • Seamless integration with specialized hardware and appliances
  • Realise the full value of existing and new hardware
  • Allows easy migration to cloud and best of both worlds
  • No vendor lock-in through open APIs

Book a meeting

Feel free to contact us for a meeting or a chat about our services.

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Contact us

Nexthop AS
Drammensveien 288, 0283 Oslo
Phone: +47 21 41 51 00
